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  • Biocatalyst

    Closely examining the role of the biocatalyst is a fundamental aspect in the context of enzymatic reactions.

  • Components

    Exploring the components involved in the reaction mixture is essential for a comprehensive understanding of enzymatic reactions.

  • Results

    The systematic recording and description of experimental outcomes and data obtained from biocatalytic reactions.

  • Operation Mode

    The operation mode is the first step in the experimental planning, it describes the mode in which the experiment was performed (e.g. batch, fed-batch, continuous)

  • Reaction Conditions

    Examining the reaction conditions provides critical insights into the enzymatic reaction process.

  • Sampling

    Understanding the sampling process is crucial for obtaining reliable data in enzymatic studies.

  • Vessels and Mixing

    When discussing enzymatic reactions, it's essential to address the vessel type and its influence on mixing and hydrodynamics.